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Banrock Station Moscato 750ml

Banrock Station Wines are bold, flavoursome, easy drinking wines produced from excellent fruit.

Brown Brothers Moscato 4x200ml

Moscato is an often-misunderstood grape, yet in the hands of a talented winemaker it's pretty memorable: an approachable and easy-drinking white wine that's beautifully fresh with a soft musk aroma, and a delicate sparkling finish. Enjoy the convenience of a Moscato mini made perfect for picnics, brunches, or simply those times where you don't want to open a full bottle.

Brown Brothers Moscato 750ml

Made in a light refreshing style, and alive with aromas of freshly crushed grapes and musk. In the mouth the wine is alive with a vibrant and mouth-filling fruit flavour. This lively and fresh wine has a mild frizzante bubble on the finish. Best enjoyed chilled.

Brown Brothers Moscato Strawberries & Cream 750ml

Brown Brothers Strawberries and Cream is inspired by the taste of summer, this Limited Edition combines the Brown Brothers best-selling Moscato with a hint of sun-ripened strawberries, jam, and vanilla cream. It is clean, fresh and balanced on the palate. Served well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

Jacob's Creek Moscato Rosé 750ml

The Jacob's Creek Moscato wines delightfully showcase the natural sweet flavours and aromas of fresh summer fruit providing a refreshing and easy drinking wine. Jacob's Creek Moscato Rosé is a light, refreshing yet elegant wine with raspberry and strawberry flavours and a delightful crisp finish. Serve on its own, or with light pasta dishes.

Jacob's Creek Moscato White 750ml

The Jacob's Creek Moscato wines delightfully showcase the natural sweet flavours and aromas of fresh summer fruit providing a refreshing and easy drinking wine. Jacob's Creek Moscato White has lovely tropical notes and sherbet flavours complemented by a soft fruit sweetness. The balanced acidity provide a delicate finish. Ideal as an aperitif, this wine also pairs well with spicy seafood dishes or fruit.

Jules Taylor Grüner Veltliner 750ml

This wine has a delicately perfumed nose, showing green apple, white fleshed nectarine and floral notes with a hint of spice. This soft elegant wine is beautifully balanced on the palate, where the stonefruit aromas carry through with flavours of white fleshed nectarine and a hint of white pepper on the finish.

Rabbit Ranch Bright Eyes White Pinot 750ml

This is a new look at Pinot Noir through a white wine lens. Central Otago Pinot Noir grapes were hand-picked and quickly pressed then fermented as white juice. The result is a fresh and energetic white wine perfect for summer and something a little different. The nose displays red apple, honeysuckle, and strawberry. The palate is sweetly fruited, fresh and lively, with notes of red apple, melon and a touch of spice. Best to serve chilled.

Te Whare Ra Single Vineyard 5182 Toru 750ml

Toru is a delicious, co-fermented 'field blend' of three varieties - Gewürztraminer, Riesling and Pinot Gris. Toru has an intriguing nose with notes of mango, fresh citrus, white florals and exotic spices. These lead into a multi-layered palate with flavours of mango, citrus, red apple and lychee with a lingering spiciness. The palate has excellent fruit concentration and weight with lovely creamy texture, plus a mineral edge which gives it great length of flavour.
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