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19 Crimes Hard Chard 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. 19 Crimes Hard Chard is deep, rich and golden filled with stone fruit aromas and a sweet textured palate. The Hard Chard honours the brave contributions of the women banished to Australia with the boldest expression of Chardonnay they could make.

19 Crimes Sauvignon Block 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. 19 Crimes Sauvignon Block is light straw in colour, lifted aromas of passionfruit, grapefruit, gooseberry, and guava. Light-bodied, with a fresh, crisp finish. A criminally easy wine to enjoy in many ways.

19 Crimes Snoop Dogg Cali Rosé 750ml

19 Crimes Snoop Dogg Cali Rosé is a perfectly crisp California wine, with ripe strawberry notes complemented by delicate floral and rose petal aromas. Fruit-forward notes of fresh raspberry, strawberry, and red cherry offer a pleasant mouthfeel with balanced acidity and touch of sweetness.

Allan Scott Estate Pinot Gris 750ml

This Pinot Gris had a short spell of skin contact to enhance colour and flavour. A delicately luscious wine with pear, apple and subtle floral and honeysuckle flavours. A smooth-textured wine that is flawlessly delicious on its own. Vegan Friendly.

Allan Scott Estate Riesling 750ml

From Marlborough aficionados, Allan Scott. Aromas of juicy pineapple and lime are beautifully balanced with hints of nectarine and honeysuckle. The acidity and minerality make for a crisp and refreshing wine with a long lingering finish. Vegan friendly.

Allan Scott Estate Rosé 750ml

This elegant salmon pink Rosé immediately presents luscious strawberries and cream on the nose. The palate is beautifully balanced with soft, ripe berry fruit flavours and a lift of acidity on the finish, truly a touch of summer in a glass. Vegan friendly.

Allan Scott Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Fresh, zesty, juicy and full, this fruit-driven new world style wine will excite the senses without the racy overload. Tropical fruit with a fresh herbaceous character balanced with zesty passionfruit and a dry finish. A crisp refreshing wine, that shows the true terroir characters of the soils and area it comes from. Vegan friendly.

Amisfield Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

A burst of vibrant summer berries greets the nose, with lively notes of strawberry, pomegranate, and watermelon on the palate. Balanced juicy acidity is complemented by intense flavour while maintaining an elegant delicacy. The finish is zesty, refreshingly dry, and lingers beautifully.

Arrogant Frog Ribet Pink Rosé 750ml

A rich and well structured Rosé, with fruity characters of red fruits and spring flowers.

Arrogant Frog Ribet White Chardonnay 750ml

Elegant nose with aromas of tropical fruits and stone fruits combined with a hint of fresh hazelnut. Well-rounded and smooth with a well-balanced acidity.

Astrolabe Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

A small family winery led by winemaker Simon Waghorn, acknowledged as one of New Zealand's best sauvignon blanc producers.

Ata Rangi Rosé 750ml

A wonderful array of aromas; watermelon, baked raspberry, fig and melon with a savoury note of pecorino cheese. This is a dry style Rosé.
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